As part of of our band’s Annual General Meeting on 30th May, we thanked Angela for her hard work for of scheduling concerts as engagements secretary for 14 years and as band chairman for 9 years. Her engagement’s secretary role has now been passed to Laura Morris who can be contacted, whilst the chairman mantle has been taken up by Terry Harrison.

Alan (bandmaster) gave his thanks to Angela for her years supporting the band. Angela had been chairman of the band since May 2013, making her the band’s longest serving chairman. He added that she had been Engagements Secretary, one of the most involved roles in the committee, since 2010. He also highlighted the hard work Angela had put in to ensure that the gig where we were filmed had been a success. At short notice, the production company had asked for detailed information about all of our music library of around 300 pieces so they could pick out a few to be performed. Angela spent all night compiling this information, enabling the gig to go forward.
Angela’s comment: “I’ve really enjoyed working with the committees over the years.”